The Last Kingdom Movie Ending Explained [Uhtred’s Fate]

The Last Kingdom Movie and its Ending

“The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die” is a thrilling ending to a narrative that has captivated audiences worldwide. The movie ends with Aethelstan’s triumphant victory over Anlaf and his fellow kings at the Battle of Brunanburh. After the fighting concludes and the dead and wounded are accounted for, the film closes quietly, focusing on the fulfillment of Alfred’s dream, orchestrated by neither him nor Edward, but by King Aethelstan and Uhtred Ragnarsson.

Uhtred’s fate is a question hanging in the air as the movie concludes. He is discovered on the battlefield, unconscious but still alive. Later, he surprises everyone by rising from his recuperative bed at Bebbanburg, asking after his son Osbert’s safety. Uhtred then fulfills a promise to King Aethelstan. Recognizing Aethelstan as a worthy leader, Uhtred swears his Northumbrian lands to the Saxon king, providing the final piece needed for the formation of England.

In the movie’s final moments, Uhtred clutches what could be his sword’s pommel under his cloak, possibly fulfilling the Norse belief that a warrior must die sword in hand to enter Odin’s Great Hall. Thus, Uhtred stands between two worlds: life and afterlife, leaving the audience speculating.

This quintessential scene underscores the enduring allure of “The Last Kingdom”, casting a fitting end to its fascinating narrative. 

The Battle of Brunanburh

The Battle of Brunanburh, a pivotal event in “The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die” movie, significantly impacted the film’s conclusion. Not only was it a spectacle of thrilling action and drama, but it also set the stage for determining Uhtred’s fate and the future of England.

Summary of the Battle

In the Battle of Brunanburh, Uhtred suffered from severe injuries. His unconscious body was found on the battlefield, leading many to believe that he did not survive the fight. However, after a period of convalescing, he recovers surprisingly and carries out his duty to King Aethelstan, thus contributing to the unification of England.

Importance of the Battle in the Ending

The Battle of Brunanburh’s aftermath led to Uhtred’s pivotal decision for a united England’s future — swearing his Northumbrian lands to King Aethelstan, under the condition that he should never marry or produce an heir. This decision was critical in fulfilling Alfred’s dream of a unified England, bringing peace after wars, and securing a smooth succession for Aethelstan’s half-brother, Edmund.

Overall, Uhtred, both as a brave warrior and a wise diplomat, played a crucial role in shaping England’s destiny. His fate may seem ambiguous in the film’s conclusion, but his contributions towards the future of England were undeniably significant.

The Last Kingdom Movie Ending Explained: Uhtred’s Fate

The The Last Kingdom movie, “Seven Kings Must Die”, leaves viewers on the edge of their seats as the life of the beloved warrior, Uhtred of Bebbanburg, hangs in the balance. He emerges worn and frail after a brutal battle, leaving us in suspense about his fate.

The Ambiguous Ending

Seven Kings Must Die leaves us pondering whether Uhtred lives or dies after fulfilling his role in unifying England. The end is shrouded in ambiguity, prompted by a vision of Valhalla, the epic feast hall in Norse mythology, symbolizing Uhtred’s longing for the afterlife juxtaposed with a moment that might signal his longevity.

Uhtred’s Possible Death or Survival

The movie toys with the possibility of Uhtred’s death as he visualizes the tranquil Norse heaven and his fallen comrades. This vision could either signify Uhtred’s death or symbolize that he has the choice to join his comrades in the afterlife or continue living. The decision is left in obscurity, making Uhtred’s fate a hot topic of debate. In conclusion, Uhtred’s fate is deliberately left to the viewers’ interpretation, creating an intriguing and discursive end for the movie

The Seven Kings Prophecy

In the Last Kingdom movie, one of the intrigues revolves around the Seven Kings Prophecy, which seems to find fulfillment in the climactic ending.

Explanation of the Prophecy

The Seven Kings Prophecy was largely interpreted to refer to the sons of uncrowned future kings. As it turned out, five kings were to lose their sons on the battlefield, marking a somber realization of this prophecy.

Relevance to the Movie Ending

In the ending, the dream of sovereign England was finally achieved not by Alfred nor Edward, but importantly, by King Aethelstan and Uhtred Ragnarsson. The silently wrapped scene underscores the survival of Uhtred, who despite the looming specter of death, affirms his loyalty to King Aethelstan and forges a pact that ultimately gives birth to England.

Thus, the fulfilled Seven Kings Prophecy and the rise of England form crucial threads in the tapestry of this cinematic masterpiece. The audience is left dangling between life and afterlife, contemplating the untold fate of Uhtred – the man dubbed as the greatest warrior of the age.

Uhtred’s Character Journey

In “The Last Kingdom”movie, Uhtred Ragnarsson’s journey from a struggling warrior to an influential figure is as thrilling as it is inspiring. The movie uniquely captures his tales of valor, strategic acumen, and moments of personal growth.

Uhtred’s Growth and Challenges Throughout the Movie

Uhtred’s transformationthroughout the movie is remarkable. He endures a plethora of challenges, rises through the ranks, and eventually plays a paramount role in shaping the future of England. Humbled by numerous setbacks, Uhtred learns to foster alliances, navigate political quandaries, and exhibit true leadership. Even in the face of extreme adversity, his dedication never wavers, highlighting his development as a character.

Impact of the Ending on Uhtred’s Character Arc

The ending of the movie particularly stands out as it presents Uhtred at a crossroads, highlighting the duality of his life journey. He stands between two worlds, the living world and Valhalla – the Norse afterlife. As Uhtred clutches perhaps his sword under his cloak, his destiny hangs in balance, thus embodying a powerful conclusion to his journey. Finan, Uhtred’s comrade notes that the chronicles do not record if Uhtred survives but those who knew him recognized him for his unmatched valor. Hence, the end encapsulates the profound impact of Uhtred’s journey on the formation of England, celebrating his status as a legendary figure. His story resonates with anyone who admires courage, determination, and unyielding spirit.

Key Themes and Symbolism in ‘The Last Kingdom’ Ending

The poignant conclusion to the “The Last Kingdom” movie unravels some of the most riveting concepts surrounding the creation of England, veiled symbolism, and Uhtred’s untold destiny. 

Themes Explored in the Ending

With major spoilers, the climactic ending of “The Last Kingdom” echoes a sense of completion and new beginnings. The final scene encompasses the fruition of Alfred’s dream: The formation of England. The unity of England was not a solitary feat but a collaborative effort led by King Aethelstan and Uhtred Ragnarsson. However, the engrossing storyline features a cliffhanger, leaving viewers puzzled about Uhtred’s fate. His symbolic departure from life – clutching his hand under his cloak while standing at the `crossroads’ of life and afterlife was a moving scene that lingers in the viewers’ minds long after the movie ends

Symbolic Meaning of Uhtred’s Vision

Delving into the rich cultural root of the Norse afterlife, Uhtred envisions Valhalla – Odin’s Great Hall. It’s a visual metaphor which might signify his nearing end. Although Uhtred’s fate is ambiguous, his legacy as a warrior and catalyst for the formation of England is immortal. Seen standing between two realms – life and death, his allegiance to the Norse belief – to die with his sword in his hand to enter Odin’s Great Hall – intensifies his characterization even more. 

In the words of Finan, “The chronicles do not record if my Lord Uhtred survived,” yet he is acknowledged as one of the most remarkable warriors of their age who transformed the vision of a united England into reality.

These compelling themes and symbols significantly elevate the depth and layers of the narrative of “The Last Kingdom”, making it much more than just a historical drama.

Historical Context

Set against real events in Anglo-Saxon England, “The Last Kingdom” offers a captivating blend of history and fiction. Its ending, specifically, alludes to the pivotal Battle of Brunanburh and its ensuing impacts. Here, we delve into the historical context behind this climactic battle.

The Real Battle of Brunanburh and Its Aftermath

A significant conflict in AD 924, the Brunanburh battle took place amongst a fractured England. After the death of Edward the Elder, the Anglo-Saxon king, an alliance comprising Scots, Vikings, and Britons formed, aiming to challenge Saxon dominance over the British Isles. The historical records note the death of five kings during this battle.

Historical Accuracy of the Movie Ending

In the movie’s conclusion, our protagonist, Uhtred of Bebbanburg, is seen severely injured, his future uncertain. This ending mirrors historical facts accurately – Uhtred’s fate and the aftermath of the conflict echo the uncertainty and upheaval that marked this era of history. The exact historical figures and their end in these events differ slightly from the cinematic version, testament to the intriguing blend of fact and fiction that “The Last Kingdom” embodies.

To wrap up, the ending of this film stands as a striking portrayal of Anglo-Saxon England’s tumultuous history, an echo of the trials, conflicts, and triumphs during the formation of England as a single nation. 

Fan Reactions and Theories

The ending of “Seven Kings Must Die,” the movie finale of “The Last Kingdom,” has left fans with various reactions and theories. One major question revolves around the fate of Uhtred of Bebbanburg. Was he able to survive the battle, or did he meet his end?

Discussion of Fan Opinions on Uhtred’s Fate

Opinions among fans regarding Uhtred’s fate are divided. While some believe that Uhtred survived, based on his role as the narrator in the book series, others speculate that the movie version of Uhtred could have fallen in battle. The teasing scene of Uhtred’s unconscious body on the battlefield initially led viewers to believe he had perished. However, his later recovery surprised those who were praying for his survival.

Unanswered Questions and Speculations

Several unanswered questions and speculations continue to circulate among fans. Uhtred’s vision of Valhalla implied that he might be on the brink of death. Although the movie didn’t show his definitive entrance into Valhalla, his hand holding the pommel of his sword suggests he fulfilled the Norse belief that a warrior must die with his sword in his hand to enter Odin’s Great Hall. However, the chronicles do not record whether Uhtred survived or not. These uncertainties leave room for speculation and further interpretation.

The ending also raised questions about the seven kings mentioned in the movie’s title. The prophecy revealed that seven kings must die, which includes Uhtred, the sons and heirs of the escaped kings from the Scottish-Danish alliance, and King Edward. Uhtred’s possible death and the battle’s outcome have made it unclear if the Danish-Scottish alliance was defeated, ensuring King Aethelstan’s reign over a united England.

The film’s portrayal of King Aethelstan’s character and sexuality has also sparked discussion. While history records that he never married, the movie takes poetic license when it comes to his sexuality. There is evidence to suggest that King Aethelstan might have been gay based on certain historical details. This choice has garnered mixed reactions from author Bernard Cornwell’s readers.

In conclusion, the ending of “Seven Kings Must Die” has left “The Last Kingdom” fans contemplating Uhtred’s fate and engaging in discussions about various plot elements. With no definitive answers provided in the film, fans will continue to form theories and interpretations, keeping the legacy of the series alive.


The ending of The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die is a topic of much discussion and speculation among fans. While the fate of the protagonist, Uhtred, is left somewhat open-ended, there are clues that suggest he may be on the brink of death. His vision of Valhalla and the voice-over from his companion, Finan, leave room for interpretation.

Interpretation of the Ending

Many believe that Uhtred’s injuries from the Battle of Brunanburh were severe enough to be fatal, and his vision of Valhalla indicates that he may be ready to embrace his ultimate destiny. The Norse belief that a warrior must die with his sword in hand to enter Odin’s Great Hall is symbolized by Uhtred’s hand clutching under his cloak, possibly holding the pommel of his sword.

Overall Reflection on The Last Kingdom Movie Ending

The ending of The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die leaves an air of mystery and allows viewers to draw their own conclusions about Uhtred’s fate. It’s a fitting conclusion to a series that has captivated fans with its historical drama and epic storytelling. Whether Uhtred lives or dies, he is recognized as one of the greatest warriors of his time and a key player in shaping the kingdom of England.


  • Pravin Kumar

    HI, my name is Pravin Kumar. Whenever it comes to movies web series and entertainment, i become enthusiast. I always get inspire by cinema. When i was child I used to be very excited for movies. as i grown up, my love for cinema gone deeper. I have interest from Classic massterpiece to blobuster movies. I always keep myelf up to date. I not only enjyoj the movie but i also aprriciate the way it is made. From direction to cinematography to acting to script writing, I get excited about everything.

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