Suzume Ending Explained

The anime film “Suzume” has captivated audiences with its unique story and mesmerizing visuals. However, some viewers might find themselves puzzled by the ending and its deeper meaning.

In this article, we will explore the ending of “Suzume” and provide an explanation to help viewers better understand the film’s conclusion.

Brief overview of the movie Suzume and its creator, Makoto Shinkai

Throughout the film, Suzume must join forces with Souta, a Closer tasked with sealing mystical doors that could release a dangerous creature known as the Worm. However, when Souta is cursed and transformed into a chair, Suzume takes on the responsibility of helping him return to his human form and preventing the Worm’s escape.

The ending of “Suzume” is a culmination of Suzume’s personal growth and her journey to close the doors leading to the realm of souls. It is through her determination, love for Souta, and acceptance of her tragic past that she is able to seal the Worm and find closure for herself.

Now, let’s delve deeper into the intricacies of the ending and uncover the symbolic meaning behind it.

The Worm and its Origins

In the movie Suzume, the central antagonist is a giant force known as the Worm. This creature is said to rest beneath Japan and has the power to cause massive destruction, such as earthquakes, when it attacks. The Worm’s origins can be traced back to the Ever-After, which is essentially the land of departed souls. All of the gates that the Worm can escape from lead to this realm where all of time exists simultaneously.

Explanation of the giant worm and its connection to the gates and the Ever-After

To prevent the Worm from wreaking havoc on the world, it is necessary to close these gates and prevent its escape. These gates are found in abandoned places, and they can be temporarily locked using a Closer’s key. However, to permanently seal these gates, two keystones made of gods are needed – the western and eastern pillars.

The protagonist, Suzume, accidentally frees one of these keystones in the form of a cat named Daijin. With the help of her companion Souta, they embark on a journey to chase Daijin and locate the second keystone, Sadaijin, in Tokyo. However, their mission becomes more urgent as the Worm escapes and threatens to destroy Tokyo.

In a climactic moment, Souta sacrifices himself and becomes a keystone to pierce the body of the Worm, causing both him and the creature to disappear. Suzume enters the Ever-After to save Souta and manages to free him with the help of Daijin. They return to their world, having successfully defeated the Worm and closed all the gates.

The ending of Suzume explores themes of sacrifice, love, and coming to terms with loss. It highlights the power of human connection and resilience in facing life’s challenges.

Suzume’s Encounter with the Gates

Suzume, a 17-year-old girl, accidentally opens a gate while exploring abandoned areas. This gate leads to an alternate reality called the Ever-After, where departed souls exist. Suzume’s ability to see the gate, the Worm, and the Ever-After is a result of her past experience as a child, where she mistakenly entered the Ever-After during an earthquake.

Details of Suzume’s accidental opening of a gate and her ability to see the Worm and the Ever-After

When Suzume opens the gate, she releases the western keystone, known as Daijin, in the form of a cat. The cat guides her and a young man named Souta on a journey to locate the second keystone, Sadaijin, in Tokyo.

Throughout their journey, Souta turns into an inanimate chair. Suzume discovers that Souta is now the western keystone and must be sacrificed to defeat the Worm. In a final confrontation, Suzume stabs the Worm with a new keystone made from Souta. Both Souta and the Worm disappear.

Suzume then decides to enter the Ever-After to find Souta’s spirit. With the help of her aunt Tamaki and Souta’s friend Serizawa, she embarks on a road trip to her hometown where she encountered the gate as a child.

In her hometown, Suzume finds her diary from when she was four years old. She remembers seeing the gate near a telephone pole and manages to enter the Ever-After once again. There, she reunites with Souta’s spirit in chair form but cannot reach him.

In an emotional conclusion, Suzume realizes that she is the future self that appeared in her childhood memories. She gives her younger self the 3-legged chair that represents Souta’s spirit. Suzume and Souta defeat the Worm by piercing it with the keystone, returning it to the Ever-After.

Afterward, Suzume and Souta return to the real world, and Souta decides to continue his duty as a closer, ensuring that the gates remain closed. The movie ends with a glimpse of Suzume and Souta meeting again years later.

Chasing the Cat Daijin

In the movie Suzume, one of the key elements of the plot is the cat Daijin and the chase to lock it at the gate. This cat, which is actually a supernatural being, plays a crucial role in preventing the Worm from wreaking havoc. But what is the significance of this cat and why is it so important to lock it at the gate?

The significance of the cat Daijin and the chase to lock it at the gate

  1. A Keystone Artifact: The cat Daijin represents one of the keystones that keep the Worm contained in Ever-After, preventing it from causing earthquakes in the world of the living. As long as Daijin is locked at the gate, the Worm remains inactive.

  2. The Power of Possession: Daijin has the ability to possess individuals and transfer its duties as a Keystone to them. This is demonstrated when Daijin possesses Souta and transforms him into a chair, passing on the responsibility to him.

  3. The Chase: Throughout the movie, Suzume and Souta chase after Daijin in an attempt to lock it at the gate and prevent it from causing destruction. This chase becomes a race against time as they try to close all the doors that allow the Worm to enter the world of the living.

  4. The Consequences of Failure: If Daijin is not locked at the gate, the Worm will be unleashed, leading to catastrophic earthquakes. The fate of Japan rests on their ability to successfully lock Daijin and stop the Worm.

In conclusion, Suzume’s chase to lock the cat Daijin at the gate is a crucial element in preventing destruction caused by the Worm. It represents their mission to protect Japan from earthquakes and highlights the importance of their role as Closers.

Souta’s Transformation into the Chair

In the movie Suzume, one of the key plot points revolves around Souta’s transformation into a chair. This transformation is a result of a curse placed on him by the guardian deity Daijin. As a result, Souta is turned into a three-legged chair, which becomes an important symbol throughout the film.

Explanation of Souta’s Curse and the Implications for Suzume

The curse has significant implications for Suzume as it adds another layer of complexity to her mission. She must not only find and close the doors to prevent the worm from causing destruction but also find a way to reverse Souta’s curse and restore him to human form.

The repercussions of Souta becoming a chair are evident throughout the story. Whenever he falls asleep, his body begins to crystallize and his existence becomes more precarious. Suzume becomes determined to find a way to wake him up before it’s too late.

As the story progresses, Suzume grows emotionally attached to Souta and feels responsible for his condition. She understands that she must find a way to turn him back into a human so they can complete their mission and save Tokyo from destruction.

Ultimately, Suzume is successful in saving Souta when she stabs the body of the worm with a newly-made keystone, sacrificing herself in the process. Souta is freed from his curse and returns to human form, allowing him and Suzume to defeat the worm and seal it away once again.

The transformation of Souta into a chair adds a poignant element to the story, highlighting the sacrifices made in the pursuit of saving others. It also emphasizes the power of love and determination in overcoming obstacles and achieving seemingly impossible goals.

Suzume’s Plan to Save Souta

After Souta sacrifices himself and becomes a chair, Suzume is determined to save him. She consults her grandfather, who reveals that there is a door in her hometown that allows access to the Ever-After, the realm of departed souls. Suzume decides to go back to her first home and enter the Ever-After to rescue Souta.

Suzume enlists the help of her aunt Tamaki and Souta’s friend Serizawa for a road trip to her hometown. However, chaos ensues as the two adults are unaware of the supernatural events happening. The car breaks down, arguments take place, and they encounter unexpected challenges along the way.

Eventually, they reach Suzume’s hometown and she finds her diary from when she was four years old. In a flashback, she remembers the day her mother went missing during the earthquake. Suzume realizes that she accidentally entered the Ever-After as a child and received a broken chair from someone there.

Suzume locates the door that leads to the Ever-After and successfully enters the realm. However, she discovers that it is engulfed in flames due to the presence of the worm. Determined to save Souta, she runs through the burning land and finds him trapped on a mountain.

Suzume encounters Daijin, the cat Keystone who has been helping them throughout their journey. In a selfless act, Daijin absorbs the crystallization meant for Suzume and turns into a keystone himself. Suzume manages to free Souta from his chair form by touching it and seeing his memories of their time together.

Description of Suzume’s journey to her hometown and her attempt to enter the Ever-After

Suzume embarks on a journey with Tamaki and Serizawa to her hometown in search of the door to the Ever-After. Along the way, they face various obstacles and tensions rise within the group. Suzume is determined to save Souta and is willing to sacrifice herself if necessary.

When they finally reach her hometown, Suzume finds her diary and remembers the day her mother went missing. She discovers the location of the door and enters the Ever-After, witnessing the devastation caused by the worm’s presence.

Despite the danger, Suzume pushes forward and reaches Souta, who is trapped on a mountain in his chair form. With the help of Daijin, she manages to free Souta and bring him back to his human form. Their love for each other and their determination ultimately saves them both and puts an end to the worm’s threat.

In the epilogue, a few years later, Suzume welcomes Souta back into her life. Their journey has changed them both, but their love and connection remain strong.

The Final Showdown with the Worm

In the climactic ending of Suzume, the main characters face off against the powerful and destructive worm that threatens to wreak havoc on the world. Suzume and Souta have traveled across Japan, closing gates and trying to prevent the worm from escaping. However, their efforts and sacrifices are put to the ultimate test in their final battle.

Explanation of the climactic battle against the worm and Suzume’s sacrifice to save Souta

As the worm escapes in its fullest form in Tokyo, Souta makes a noble decision to sacrifice himself and become the Keystone needed to seal the worm once again. Suzume, who has developed strong feelings for Souta throughout their journey, is faced with a heartbreaking choice.

Suzume realizes that she must give up on her love for Souta in order to save him. She stabs the body of the worm with a newly-made keystone, causing both Souta and the worm to disappear. In a moment of despair, Suzume sees that Souta is in the form of the chair on top of a mountain in the Ever-After but is unable to reach him.

In order to save Souta, Suzume embarks on a plan to enter the Ever-After, the realm of departed souls. With the help of Souta’s grandfather and her aunt Tamaki, they travel to her hometown where she had previously accidentally entered the Ever-After as a child.

Suzume finds her diary from when she was four years old and remembers the day her mother went missing. She realizes that her dreams were actually memories of her entering the Ever-After and seeing her future self. Suzume enters the realm again and encounters her younger self, offering comfort and reassurance.

In a final act of sacrifice, Suzume frees Souta from his chair form while putting herself at risk. With the help of the keystone gods, Suzume and Souta pierce the worm, sealing it in the Ever-After once again.

The ending of Suzume showcases the power of sacrifice and the resilience of love. It highlights the themes of acceptance, growth, and the interconnectedness of past, present, and future. The emotional impact of Suzume’s sacrifice and her journey to save Souta resonates with viewers, leaving a lasting impression.

The Aftermath and Suzume’s Farewell

After Souta sacrifices himself to become the keystone and save Tokyo from the destructive worm, Suzume is left devastated. She tries desperately to wake him up but ultimately accepts that he is gone. In a last act of defiance, she stabs the body of the worm with the newly-made keystone before it disappears.

With Souta gone, Suzume is left to deal with the aftermath of their journey. She reflects on their time together and how they fought to prevent disaster. Despite not being able to save Souta, she finds solace in knowing that they made a difference and protected their city.

In the Ever-After, Suzume sees Souta in the form of the chair, perched on top of a mountain. She tries to reach him, but she is unable to. It is a heartbreaking moment as she realizes that their physical connection has been severed.

Suzume must say goodbye to Souta and move forward with her life. She returns to Tokyo while Souta’s friend and her aunt return to Kyushu. Life goes on, and Suzume continues to strive towards finding fulfillment and making the most of her time on earth.

The ending of “Suzume” leaves open the possibility of healing and growth for the characters. It shows the resilience of humanity in the face of tragedy and highlights the importance of finding connection and compassion in our lives.

Discussion of the aftermath of the events and Suzume’s inability to reach Souta in the Ever-After

The ending of “Suzume” raises questions about grief, loss, and the nature of human connections. Despite Suzume’s best efforts, she is unable to reach Souta in the Ever-After. This represents the emotional reality that sometimes we cannot fully reconnect with those we have lost.

Suzume’s journey throughout the film is one of self-discovery and healing. She confronts her own past trauma and learns to care for herself and those around her. The film explores the collective trauma experienced by people in the aftermath of natural disasters and how it shapes their relationships.

The inability to reach Souta in the Ever-After reflects the universal struggle to fully reconcile with loss. It reminds us that while we may move forward in our lives, the memories and presence of those we have lost continue to shape us.

Overall, the ending of “Suzume” is a poignant reflection on grief, resilience, and the power of human connection. It leaves the audience with a sense of hope and a reminder of the importance of cherishing our relationships while we have them.


The ending of Suzume is a powerful culmination of the themes presented throughout the movie. It emphasizes the importance of accepting and coming to terms with the past, while also highlighting the strength of human connection and the power of hope for the future.

Summary and interpretation of the ending of Suzume

In the ending of Suzume, the protagonist Suzume embarks on a journey to save her love interest Souta and defeat the destructive force known as the Worm. With the help of her aunt Tamaki and Souta’s friend Serizawa, Suzume travels to her hometown and enters the realm of souls known as the Ever-After.

In the Ever-After, Suzume encounters her younger self and gives her the broken chair that symbolizes her past and her connection to her mother. This gesture represents Suzume’s growth and her ability to find hope and happiness in the future, despite her tragic past.

Suzume and Souta successfully seal the Worm in the Ever-After with the assistance of two guardian deities, Daijin and Sadaijin. This act not only saves their world from destruction but also symbolizes their acceptance of their roles in something larger than themselves.

The ending reinforces the message that natural disasters are a part of life, but through acceptance, hope, and human connection, it is possible to move forward and find meaning in even the most tragic experiences.

Overall, the ending of Suzume provides a satisfying conclusion to the story while delivering a powerful message about resilience, acceptance, and the power of love.


  • Pravin Kumar

    HI, my name is Pravin Kumar. Whenever it comes to movies web series and entertainment, i become enthusiast. I always get inspire by cinema. When i was child I used to be very excited for movies. as i grown up, my love for cinema gone deeper. I have interest from Classic massterpiece to blobuster movies. I always keep myelf up to date. I not only enjyoj the movie but i also aprriciate the way it is made. From direction to cinematography to acting to script writing, I get excited about everything.

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