Everyone Is There Ending Explained [Unsettling Twist]

“Everyone is There” is a provocative one-episode TV show that has resonated with audiences globally.

Released on January 16, 2020, and lasting just 24 minutes and 30 seconds, this compelling Korean drama serves up a raw and unfiltered look at school bullying.

The ending of the TV show “Everyone Is There” is thought-provoking and leaves viewers with a sense of unease.

 The story revolves around Suyeon, a young girl who has been bullied at school and suffers from a deep mental breakdown.

 As the story progresses, it takes a twist that nobody could have predicted.

 It is revealed that Suyeon has created the personas of Jeongyeon and Jiyoung to cope with her traumatic experiences.

 These personalities allowed her to seek revenge on her bullies.
 The ending is left open to interpretation but it is unsettling.

 Suyeon is seen getting into a car that vanishes, and there is a report of a body found in the park where the bullying took place.
 This ambiguity leaves viewers with unanswered questions and raises speculation about what truly happened.
 Overall, “Everyone Is There” is a thought-provoking show that explores issues of bullying and mental health, leaving viewers to question the nature of reality and the power of the mind.

Overview of the TV program Everyone is There

Directed by Ryu Seung-Jin and written by Son Ho-Young, “Everyone is There” delves deep into the consequences of school bullying.

The story revolves around Suyeon, a middle school student who becomes so desperate due to the egregious bullying she experiences that she considers ending her life.

The show has significant followings and viewership, thanks to its compelling storytelling and outstanding performances.

Plot Summary

Suyeon, the central character, is depicted as a student bullied at school and feeling alone in the world.

Her mother prefers her twin sister, Jeongyeon, while her father is apathetically located abroad.

Desperate, Suyeon contemplates suicide at a hospital where she meets a woman who offers her assistance.

Subsequently, Jeongyeon, painted as a delinquent, replaces Suyeon at school to exact revenge on Suyeon’s bullies.

However, her tactics are extreme. The point of contention hits when it’s revealed that Jeongyeon, along with another character, Jiyoung, were personalities created by Suyeon to cope with her mental wellness.

The story concludes with Suyeon getting into a car that disappears, leaving behind an unsettling report of a discovered body in the park where the bullying had initially occurred.

This climactic plot twist challenges viewers to question the nature of reality, exploring the potential power of the mind to fabricate alternate personas.

In conclusion, “Everyone is There” is a powerful narrative touching on the grave issues of bullying and mental health, and serves as a cautionary tale of the potential consequences.

This summary provides a brief overview, but viewers might gain a more extensive understanding and appreciation of the plot’s complexities by watching the show.

You may read more about school bullying on Wikipedia to understand the issue in a broader context.

II. Suyeon’s Story

The heart of “Everyone Is There” revolves around the life of Suyeon, a young student who is contending with various struggles in her life.

The intensity and complexity of her story lie in the web of challenges she endures.

Explanation of Suyeon’s background and struggles

Suyeon’s life is marked by a series of unfortunate events that have driven her to the point of despair.

She is living alone due to her father’s absence, who is abroad and seemingly indifferent toward her life.

Compounding this is her mother’s abandonment, who favored her twin sister Jeongyeon over her.

Bullying and isolation at school

Not only is her family life unstable, but Suyeon is also a victim of bullying at school. 

This harsh reality contributes to her isolation and amplifies her despair.

Her heartbreaking experience of bullying, with no repercussions for the bully, sadly reflects the dire circumstances many victims around the world face.

Family dynamics and abandonment issues

In addition to her school troubles, Suyeon’s family dynamics further complexify her life.

The preferential treatment towards her twin by their mother deeply affects her sense of worth and belonging.

Her loneliness and desperation become so intense that she contemplates committing suicide.

To make matters further complicated, a twist in the plot reveals that Suyeon could possibly suffer from a mental health condition.

Unexpectedly, Jeongyeon, and her friend Jiyoung, are revealed as personalities created by Suyeon herself, likely as a coping mechanism during her breakdown.

As the story unfolds, it raises valuable questions regarding mental health, bullying, and the effectiveness of support systems for victims in such situations.

Suyeon’s story stands as a testament to the critical need for timely mental health interventions and a supportive social environment.

III. The Savior

One of the most intriguing aspects of the show “Everyone is There” is the introduction of the mysterious character who offers help to Suyeon in her darkest moments.

This savior plays a crucial role in the overall storyline, significantly impacting Suyeon’s life and the direction of the plot.

Introduction to the mysterious character

  • The savior appears in Suyeon’s hospital room, offering her assistance when she is at her lowest point.
  • It is not initially clear who this person is or what their motives are.
  • The savior presents themselves as a consultant and promises to help Suyeon if she chooses to accept their offer.

This character brings an element of intrigue and uncertainty to the story, leaving viewers wondering about their true intentions.

Impact of the savior’s intervention

  • With the savior’s help, Suyeon embarks on a mission of revenge against those who have tormented her.
  • The savior provides Suyeon with the support and guidance she needs to confront her bullies and reclaim her life.
  • Their intervention sets in motion a series of events that lead to unexpected twists and turns in the storyline.

The savior’s role in the show challenges the audience to question the nature of reality and the power of one’s mind.

Their presence adds a layer of complexity to the narrative, leaving viewers pondering the true motives behind their actions.

IV. Revenge Plot

In “Everyone is There,” the ending takes a dramatic turn as Suyeon’s twin sister, Jeongyeon, enters the picture.

Jeongyeon, a delinquent with a cynical attitude towards relationships and family, initially refuses to help Suyeon.

However, after witnessing the horrific video of Suyeon being bullied by her classmates, Jeongyeon decides to take matters into her own hands and seek revenge on behalf of her sister.

The Plan to Seek Revenge on the Bullies:

Jeongyeon devises a plan, with the help of Kang Il-young, that involves mistaken identities and a scheme straight out of a twisted fairytale.

Taking on Suyeon’s identity, Jeongyeon infiltrates the school and confronts the leader of the bullying group.

everyone is there plan to seek revenge of bullying

She doesn’t stop at just a confrontation, though. Jeongyeon takes her revenge to the next level by subjecting the bully to physical torture and making her retrace the same steps Suyeon had to endure.

The plan takes a dark and sinister turn as the bullied girl ends up at the police station, and the detective can hardly believe she is the same timid girl from the hospital.

Jeongyeon shows no remorse for her actions, and Kang Il-young supports her every step of the way.

This unexpected twist in the plot leaves viewers questioning the nature of revenge and the extent of its consequences.

It also highlights the complexities of human emotions and the lengths people will go to protect their loved ones.

Overall, the ending of “Everyone is There” is thought-provoking and leaves a lasting impact.

It sheds light on the devastating effects of bullying and prompts reflection on the blurred lines between justice and revenge.

everyone is there revenge

Unsettling Twist

The ending of the show “Everyone is There” takes a dark and unexpected turn, leaving viewers with an unsettling feeling.

It reveals the true nature of Suyeon’s mental state and raises questions about the existence of Jeongyeon and Jiyoung.

Here are some key points to understand the ending:

The revelation of Suyeon’s mental breakdown

The ending of the show reveals that Suyeon has been suffering from a deep mental breakdown.

Her difficult circumstances, including being bullied at school and feeling abandoned by her family, led her to create the personas of Jeongyeon and Jiyoung as a coping mechanism.

These personalities allowed her to defend herself and seek revenge on her bullies.

Interpretation of the existence of Jeongyeon and Jiyoung

Jeongyeon and Jiyoung, who were initially presented as separate individuals, are actually figments of Suyeon’s imagination.

They were created as a way for Suyeon to cope with her traumatic experiences and find a sense of control.

This revelation adds a layer of complexity to the storyline and leaves viewers questioning the boundaries between reality and fantasy.

The ambiguity of the car scene and the body found in the park

The ending scene shows Suyeon getting into a car that mysteriously vanishes, and a report of a body being found in the park.

This ambiguity leaves viewers with unanswered questions and adds to the unsettling nature of the ending.

It raises speculation about what truly happened and leaves room for individual interpretation.

Overall, the ending of “Everyone is There” is thought-provoking and leaves viewers contemplating the themes of bullying, mental health, and the power of the mind.

The show challenges our understanding of reality and reminds us of the complex nature of the human psyche.

VI. Themes and Messages

The Netflix series “Everyone is There” explores a variety of thought-provoking themes, shedding light on important issues such as bullying, mental health, and the power of the mind.

The show delves deep into these topics, prompting viewers to contemplate the consequences of their actions and the impact they can have on others.

Here are some key themes explored in the series:


“Everyone is There” offers a stark portrayal of the devastating effects of bullying.

The show depicts the harmful consequences that bullying can have on individuals, not only physically but also emotionally and psychologically.

It tackles the issue head-on, highlighting the importance of standing up against bullying and promoting empathy and understanding.

Mental Health

The series also dives into the complexities of mental health, exploring the struggles and challenges faced by its characters.

It sheds light on the importance of seeking help and understanding the impact that mental health issues can have on one’s life.

Through its portrayal of characters dealing with anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions, the show aims to reduce the stigma surrounding these topics.

The Power of the Mind

“Everyone is There” delves into the concept of the human mind and its ability to shape reality.

It poses thought-provoking questions about the nature of perception and the extent to which our thoughts and beliefs can influence our experiences.

The show encourages viewers to reflect on the power they hold within themselves and the importance of cultivating a positive mindset.

Discussion of the show’s portrayal of reality and the human psyche

In addition to its exploration of themes, “Everyone is There” captivates audiences with its unique portrayal of reality and the human psyche.

The show weaves together elements of fantasy and psychological drama, challenging viewers to question their own understanding of what is real and what is a construct of the mind.

The series prompts viewers to contemplate the nature of perception, the fragility of memory, and the intricate workings of the human psyche.

It raises philosophical questions about the nature of existence, the boundaries between reality and illusion, and the power of the subconscious mind.

Through its nuanced storytelling and compelling characters, “Everyone is There” provides a captivating and thought-provoking viewing experience.

Overall, “Everyone is There” tackles important themes while delving into the complexities of the human psyche and the power of perception.

It challenges viewers to reflect on their own actions, beliefs, and attitudes, ultimately urging them to strive for empathy, kindness, and self-awareness.

VII. Interpretations and Analysis

Various interpretations of the ending

The ending of “Everyone is There” has left viewers with different interpretations, sparking discussions and debates about the true meaning of the story.

Here are a few interpretations that have emerged:

  1. Death and the afterlife: Some viewers believe that the ending signifies the protagonist’s death and her transition into the afterlife. The vanishing car and the report of a body found in the park suggest a tragic conclusion.
  2. Mental breakdown and dissociative identity disorder: Another interpretation is that the protagonist, Suyeon, experiences a mental breakdown and develops dissociative identity disorder. The characters of Jeongyeon and Jiyoung could be manifestations of different aspects of her personality.
  3. Unreliable narrator: The ending could also be seen as an unreliable narrator’s perspective, leaving room for doubt and multiple interpretations. The sudden disappearance of the car and the discovery of a body in the park could be elements of a fractured reality.

Personal insights and observations

On a personal note, the ending of “Everyone is There” left a lasting impression, with its ambiguous and thought-provoking nature.

The show tackles sensitive topics like bullying and mental health, shedding light on the consequences of such issues in a powerful and impactful way.

The performances of the actors, particularly Roh Jeong-Eui, were exceptional, portraying the struggles and complexities of their characters convincingly.

The plot was engaging and full of twists and turns, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats.

Overall, “Everyone is There” is an intense and thought-provoking series that explores important themes and raises questions about the nature of reality.

It serves as a reminder of the power of storytelling and its ability to evoke strong emotions and provoke discussions.

Note: The interpretations and observations provided here are subjective and based on individual perspectives.

Different viewers may have different interpretations and insights into the ending of “Everyone is There.” 

VIII. Public Response and Reception

The ending of the show “Everyone is There” left viewers with mixed reactions.

Some were satisfied with the conclusion, while others found it confusing and unsatisfying.

Critics also had differing opinions about how the story wrapped up.

Here is a breakdown of the public response and reception:

Reactions from viewers and critics

  • Some viewers enjoyed the open-ended nature of the ending, appreciating the room for interpretation and discussion it provided.
  • Others found the ending to be ambiguous and felt that it left too many unanswered questions.
  • Many viewers took to social media to express their opinions, with some creating theories and speculating about what really happened.
  • Critics had mixed reviews, with some praising the show’s bold and unconventional approach to storytelling, while others felt that the ending was a cop-out or lacked resolution.

Impact of the show’s storytelling and performances

  • “Everyone is There” has been praised for its innovative storytelling and unique narrative structure, which kept viewers engaged and guessing throughout the series.
  • The performances of the cast were widely lauded, with many praising the actors’ ability to bring complex and multifaceted characters to life.
  • The show’s focus on themes of identity, human connection, and the nature of reality resonated with many viewers, sparking conversations about the deeper meaning behind the story.

While the ending of “Everyone is There” may have divided opinions, it is clear that the show had a significant impact on its audience.

Whether viewers loved or disliked the ending, it sparked discussions and kept people engaged until the very end.

IX. Conclusion

Summary of the ending and its significance

The ending of the TV program “Everyone is There” is open to interpretation, but it reveals some intriguing aspects of the story.

It is ultimately revealed that Jeongyeon and Jiyoung, the twin sister and ally of the protagonist Suyeon, never actually existed.

They were personas created by Suyeon to cope with her mental breakdown.

This twist adds another layer of complexity to the narrative, forcing viewers to question the nature of reality and the power of the human mind.

The ending also leaves viewers with a sense of unease.

Suyeon is seen getting into a car that vanishes, and there is a report of a body being found in the park.

This ambiguity raises questions about what truly happened to Suyeon and adds to the overall mystery of the show.

Final thoughts on the TV program Everyone is There

“Everyone is There” is a thought-provoking TV program that tackles important issues such as bullying and mental health.

It forces viewers to confront the consequences of these issues and raises awareness about the struggles that individuals face.

The show’s raw and unflinching portrayal of the harrowing experiences of Suyeon is both captivating and disturbing.

The performances in “Everyone is There” are outstanding, particularly Roh Jeong-Eui’s portrayal of both Suyeon and Jungyeon.

As viewers, we are drawn into their turbulent world and feel their pain and desperation.

In conclusion, “Everyone is There” is a must-watch for fans of Korean dramas and anyone interested in compelling narratives with a powerful message.

It serves as a reminder that no matter how difficult life may be, there is always hope and the possibility of overcoming challenges.

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  • Pravin Kumar

    HI, my name is Pravin Kumar. Whenever it comes to movies web series and entertainment, i become enthusiast. I always get inspire by cinema. When i was child I used to be very excited for movies. as i grown up, my love for cinema gone deeper. I have interest from Classic massterpiece to blobuster movies. I always keep myelf up to date. I not only enjyoj the movie but i also aprriciate the way it is made. From direction to cinematography to acting to script writing, I get excited about everything.

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