Kill Boksoon Ending Explained [Final Showdown & Its Outcome]

In 2023, the South Korean movie ‘Kill Boksoon’ has gained significant attention for its action-packed storyline and intriguing ending. Directed by Byun Sung-hyun, the film revolves around the life of Boksoon, a skilled assassin trying to balance her dangerous profession with the responsibilities of being a mother. As the story unfolds, viewers are taken on a thrilling journey filled with unexpected twists and turns.

Overview of the movie Kill Boksoon

‘Kill Boksoon’ is a South Korean crime thriller released by Netflix that quickly became a popular choice among viewers. Starring Jeon Do-yeon as the deadly hit woman Boksoon, the movie explores her complex world as a professional assassin working for the MK Ent. agency. The film delves into the dynamics of this secretive organization and the personal struggles faced by Boksoon as she navigates her dangerous job while also raising her teenage daughter.

Brief synopsis of the plot

The plot of ‘Kill Boksoon’ centers around Boksoon’s final assignment, which involves staging the suicide of a student who is not a minor. As the story progresses, Boksoon becomes entangled in a web of secrets, betrayals, and unexpected developments. Along the way, she has to confront her past, deal with the conflicts within the MK Ent. agency, and protect her daughter from discovering her true identity as a killer.

The movie’s climax sees Boksoon facing off against the Chairman, the head of MK Ent. and a person with a personal connection to her. Their intense battle ultimately reveals the Chairman’s weakness and leads to a shocking revelation for Boksoon’s daughter. The ending leaves room for interpretation, with the possibility of a killer mother-and-daughter team-up in the future.

Overall, ‘Kill Boksoon’ offers a thrilling and action-packed viewing experience, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats until the very end.

Gil Boksoon and her life as an assassin

In the South Korean action-thriller film “Kill Boksoon,” viewers are introduced to the world of Gil Boksoon, a skilled and deadly assassin. Played by the incredible Jeon Do-yeon, Boksoon struggles to balance her work life as an assassin with her personal life as a mother to her teenage daughter, Jae-young. Despite her dangerous profession, Boksoon is determined to protect her daughter and provide her with a better life.

Exploring Boksoon’s role as a professional assassin

As a professional assassin, Boksoon is contracted by the successful killing agency MK Entertainment. She has a 100 percent success rate and holds the prestigious designation of a grade-A-ranked assassin. Throughout the film, we see Boksoon carrying out various sanctioned hit jobs, showcasing her exceptional skills and ability to complete tasks with precision. However, things take a turn when Boksoon is faced with a moral dilemma that forces her to question her loyalty to MK Entertainment.

Her relationship with MK Entertainment and Chairman Cha Min-kyu

Chairman Cha Min-kyu, the head of MK Entertainment, plays a significant role in Boksoon’s life. Their association goes beyond a professional one, as Chairman Cha is revealed to have been involved in the staged suicide of Boksoon’s father. This background adds complexity to their relationship, with Chairman Cha showing favoritism towards Boksoon.

Throughout the film, we witness the power dynamic between Boksoon and Chairman Cha, which is further complicated by the presence of Chairman Cha’s sister, Director Cha Min-hee. Director Cha dislikes Boksoon and is resentful of Chairman Cha’s biased treatment towards her. This animosity leads to a series of events that put Boksoon in grave danger and tests her loyalty to MK Entertainment.

Boksoon’s personal life and challenges

The Korean Netflix film “Kill Boksoon” explores the life of Gil Boksoon, a professional assassin who struggles to balance her work life with her personal life. Boksoon, portrayed by Jeon Do-yeon, is a renowned hitwoman who conceals her true identity as a mother to her teenage daughter, Jae-young. When Boksoon is at work, she is a ruthless and skilled killer, but when she comes home to Jae-young, she pretends to be an event planner.

The dynamics between Boksoon, her daughter Jae-young, and their secrets

Jae-young, played by Kim Si-a, has her own secrets that she can’t share with her mother. She is in a secret relationship with a girl named So-ra and faces bullying from boys because of it. Boksoon discovers that Jae-young has been expelled for stabbing a student, Cheol-woo, in the neck with a pair of scissors. This revelation upsets Boksoon, as she sees a reflection of her younger self in Jae-young and hoped to raise her daughter in a non-violent world.

Boksoon worries about how her violent acts as an assassin will affect her relationship with Jae-young and questions her qualifications as a mother. The film also delves into the complex relationships between Boksoon, Jae-young, and Chairman Cha Min-kyu, Boksoon’s boss and possibly Jae-young’s father.

Dealing with the aftermath of Jae-young’s actions

As the film progresses, Jae-young’s actions, including her expulsion and the violence she exhibits, further complicate her relationship with Boksoon. Boksoon’s fears about Jae-young witnessing the violent side of her life intensify when Chairman Cha reveals that an iPad was sent to their house, suggesting that Jae-young may have witnessed her mother killing someone.

The post-credits scene hints at a new attitude within Jae-young, as she displays potentially murderous tendencies and an unapologetic demeanor towards those who have harmed her. Boksoon and Jae-young’s relationship becomes stronger but remains on dishonest terms, with Boksoon unable to reveal the truth about her profession. The film’s ending leaves room for speculation and leaves viewers questioning the future of Boksoon and Jae-young’s bond.

Overall, “Kill Boksoon” explores the complexities of personal relationships, secrets, and the consequences of violence. The film’s ending provokes thought and interpretation, making it a gripping watch for fans of action-packed thrillers.

The internal conflicts within MK Entertainment

In the South Korean action-packed thriller “Kill Boksoon,” there are several internal conflicts portrayed within the top-tier assassin company, MK Entertainment. These conflicts play a significant role in shaping the storyline and the ultimate fate of the characters.

The power struggle between Chairman Cha Min-kyu and his sister Cha Min-hee

One of the central internal conflicts revolves around the power struggle between Chairman Cha Min-kyu and his sister Cha Min-hee. As an executive at MK Entertainment, Cha Min-hee harbors a strong dislike for the deadly hitwoman, Gil Boksoon. This conflict stems from personal issues and differing views on the company’s direction.

The power struggle intensifies when Boksoon decides to retire and focus on her relationship with her daughter. This decision threatens the status quo within the company, leading to further tension and acts of betrayal.

Betrayal and the consequences it brings

Betrayal is a recurring theme in “Kill Boksoon” and has severe consequences for the characters involved. Throughout the movie, characters manipulate and deceive each other for personal gain or to protect their interests.

For instance, Boksoon’s lover and fellow assassin, Han Hee-sung, betrays her to further his own career aspirations. He strikes a deal with Cha Min-hee, agreeing to assassinate the son of a politician in exchange for a promotion at MK Entertainment.

The consequences of these betrayals are dire, leading to a series of violent confrontations and a deadly clash between the characters. The movie explores the repercussions of these choices and the toll it takes on the relationships and lives of those involved.

The climax and resolution of the movie

The South Korean action-packed crime thriller, “Kill Boksoon”, is filled with suspense and unexpected twists. As the movie approaches its climax, tensions rise and secrets are revealed. Boksoon, the deadly hit woman, finds herself in a dangerous situation where she must make difficult choices to protect her daughter and herself.

Boksoon’s decision to confront Chairman Cha Min-kyu

In a pivotal moment, Boksoon realizes that no matter what scenario she imagines, Chairman Cha Min-kyu, her boss and possibly the father of her daughter, remains a threat. Despite the risks, Boksoon decides to confront Chairman Cha, knowing that she has an advantage due to his feelings towards her. This decision sets the stage for the final showdown.

The final showdown and its outcome

The final showdown between Boksoon and Chairman Cha is intense and full of suspense. Boksoon envisions multiple possible outcomes, considering the Chairman’s skills and power. However, in a surprising turn of events, Boksoon emerges as the victor. Her understanding of the Chairman’s weakness, his love for her, enables her to overcome him and secure her survival.

This outcome highlights the complexity of their relationship and how it ultimately plays a crucial role in determining the fate of both characters. Boksoon’s victory serves as a satisfying resolution to her journey, as she not only survives but also overcomes the challenges presented by her own company and the hitman industry.

Overall, “Kill Boksoon” offers a thrilling and thought-provoking storyline that keeps viewers engaged until the very end. The movie skillfully explores the dynamics of power, love, and personal sacrifice, making it a must-watch for fans of action-packed thrillers.

Stay tuned for more insights into the world of “Kill Boksoon” and its intricacies as we delve deeper into the characters and themes in the upcoming blog sections.

The ending explained

The ending of the Netflix film “Kill Boksoon” leaves viewers with some intriguing questions about the fate of the characters and the overall story. Let’s delve into the final scenes and uncover their significance.

Interpreting the final scenes and their significance

The film concludes with Bok-soon walking away from her daughter Jae-young’s room, looking back with a smile and tears in her eyes. This scene leaves us wondering about the implications of her actions and the impact on their relationship. It suggests a bittersweet moment of growth and understanding between the two.

However, there is a mid-credit scene that adds another layer of complexity. Jae-young is seen returning to her old school, seemingly empowered and saying goodbye to her best friend/former lover. This scene hints at the possibility of Jae-young embracing her mother’s strength or taking a different path influenced by her mother’s choices.

Understanding the motivations of the characters

Throughout the film, we witness Bok-soon’s journey as a deadly assassin with a personal mission to protect her daughter. Her decision to retire and focus on their relationship is disrupted when her final assignment goes awry, making her the target of her own company and other hitmen.

Bok-soon’s character is complex, navigating the dual roles of a ruthless killer and a loving mother. Her actions and choices are driven by her desire to protect Jae-young and create a better future for her. The final scenes reflect the sacrifices she has made and the development of their bond.

In conclusion, the ending of “Kill Boksoon” raises questions about the choices and consequences faced by the characters. It emphasizes the intricate nature of their relationships and leaves room for interpretation and speculation. The film provides a thought-provoking exploration of a world of assassins and the complexities of motherhood.

Themes and messages in Kill Boksoon

The Netflix movie, Kill Boksoon, delves into various themes and messages that add depth to the story. Let’s explore some of these themes and messages and how they contribute to the overall narrative.

Exploring the themes of loyalty, family, and sacrifice

One of the central themes in Kill Boksoon is loyalty. As the most deadly assassin in South Korea, Boksoon demonstrates unwavering loyalty to her company, MK Entertainment, by following its strict rules and maintaining a 100 percent success rate. This loyalty is showcased through her career as an assassin that spans three decades, earning her the nickname “Kill Boksoon.” Additionally, Boksoon’s loyalty extends to her daughter, Jae-young, as she embarks on a dangerous mission to protect her life.

Family is another prominent theme in the movie. Boksoon’s complicated relationship with her daughter adds emotional depth to the story. Despite the secrecy surrounding her profession, Boksoon prioritizes her family and seeks a better life for her daughter. The movie explores the dynamics of this mother-daughter relationship and the sacrifices Boksoon makes to ensure Jae-young’s safety.

Sacrifice is a prevalent theme throughout Kill Boksoon. Boksoon’s final assignment forces her to navigate treacherous circumstances and put her life on the line to protect her daughter. This theme is highlighted by Boksoon’s decision to break the rules and spare the life of an intended target. Her choices embody the sacrifices a mother is willing to make for her child, even if it means putting herself in danger.

Discussing the messages conveyed in the movie

Kill Boksoon carries several powerful messages that resonate with the audience. One of these messages revolves around the idea that secrets can be necessary for maintaining healthy relationships. Boksoon’s hidden profession as an assassin introduces secrets and complexities into her relationship with her daughter. The movie suggests that revealing every secret may not be essential for fostering a strong connection, highlighting the importance of trust and understanding in family bonds.

Another message conveyed in the film is the exploration of morality and personal choices. Boksoon’s decision to break the rules of her profession demonstrates her moral compass and agency in determining right from wrong. It prompts viewers to question the moral implications of the actions characters take and the consequences that follow.

Kill Boksoon also sheds light on the corruption and power dynamics within the world of contract assassins. The movie reveals the manipulation and control exerted by MK Entertainment and its chairman, Cha Min-kyu. This commentary on power dynamics serves as a reminder of the potential dangers and consequences of unchecked authority.

Audience reception and reviews

Kill Boksoon, the Netflix assassin flick, has garnered attention from audiences and critics alike. The ending of the film has left viewers with various questions and interpretations. Let’s delve into the audience reception and reviews for a better understanding.

Analyzing the reactions from viewers and critics

The film’s complex story and themes have sparked discussions among viewers. Many appreciate the blend of action and parental guilt that Kill Boksoon presents. The portrayal of a mother balancing her career as an assassin with her relationship with her teenage daughter resonated with the audience. The film has been praised for its fast-paced and fun narrative, which keeps viewers engaged throughout.

Critics have also provided their insights on the ending of Kill Boksoon. The intricate thrill-ride and the fictional world of contract assassins have captivated the attention of reviewers. The relationships between Boksoon and her daughter, as well as her boss and potential ex-lover, have been subjects of analysis. The film has been commended for its portrayal of these relationships and the emotional depth it brings to the story.

Highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the film

One of the strengths of Kill Boksoon lies in its well-rounded story and creative cinematography. The film manages to balance the action sequences with emotional moments, particularly in the dynamics between Boksoon and her daughter. The chemistry between the characters has been appreciated, adding depth to the narrative.

However, some reviewers have pointed out that the character development of the supporting cast could have been further explored. While the action scenes are well-executed, the emphasis on the protagonists sometimes detracts from the overall impact of the film.


The ending of “Kill Boksoon” leaves viewers with a mix of emotions and open-ended questions. Boksoon, a skilled assassin trying to balance her dangerous career with raising her teenage daughter, faces numerous challenges and confrontations throughout the film. The final moments of the movie provide some closure, while also leaving room for interpretation and speculation.

Summarizing the ending and its impact on the overall story

In the climactic ending, Boksoon engages in a deadly fight with the Chairman, who is in love with her. Ultimately, Boksoon emerges victorious, exploiting the Chairman’s weakness. However, it is revealed that the Chairman had live-streamed the fight, and Boksoon’s daughter witnesses her mother’s brutal fighting skills.

Despite her fears of being seen as a monster, Boksoon is surprised when her daughter acts friendly towards her and leaves the bedroom door open, symbolizing a willingness to be more honest and open in their relationship. The ending implies a potential transformation in their dynamic, possibly leading to a killer mother-and-daughter team-up in the future.

Final thoughts on Kill Boksoon and its significance

“Kill Boksoon” presents a compelling narrative about a mother’s struggle to balance her professional life as an assassin with her role as a parent. The film explores themes of identity, sacrifice, and the lengths a mother would go to protect her child.

The open-ended ending leaves room for speculation and further exploration of the characters’ journeys. It also highlights the complexity of Boksoon’s character, who is capable of ruthless violence yet desires a better life for her daughter.

Overall, “Kill Boksoon” offers an action-packed and emotionally charged viewing experience. It raises thought-provoking questions about morality and the consequences of one’s choices. The film’s compelling performances, gripping storyline, and thematic depth make it a must-watch for fans of the crime thriller genre.

As the credits roll and viewers contemplate the ambiguous ending, one thing is clear—Boksoon’s journey, filled with twists and turns, has left a lasting impact.


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